Sunday, April 17, 2005

Land Ferry

After spending twelve of our first fifteen days in rain, including the pelting rain from Lincoln City to Newport where we arrived not only wet, but crusted in grime as well, we made a pastoral decision for the sake of Oregon. Rather than not enjoy every additional mile in the state, we decided to employ a land ferry to get us around the persistent low pressure system plaguing the coast and around the narrow windy shoulders promised for the days ahead. We were also losing days in Oregon because of the rain and because we had to wait for bicycle parts to reach us.

The Land Ferry is run by U-Haul and it allowed us to ferry the bikes and us from Newport to Crescent City. We got to actually see all the lovely coast. This bought us back five-six days of cycling that might have been lost at the end of the ride in order for us to be back in SD to catch planes to London.

Riding in the rain (and hail) and cold is a different sort of experience than riding in sun or overcast. You spend your riding time watching the road for hazards and listening for trucks and RVs. The best drivers in the road and most gracious are the loggers who make space for you and appreciate that you make space for them. The worst are the small cars who could hug the yellow line, but seem to feel a need to honk wildly at you as they come zooming up from behind. This is not helpful!

We are now hoping that if we encounter rain it will be at least warmer than it has been (often in the mid forties) and that it will not persist quite as voraciously. This will allow us to enjoy what we are seeing instead of surviving it. Enjoyment was the point of the trip, after all and we have earned our wet riding merit badge as far as we are concerned.

We have only seen four other long distance riders along the way. A couple heading to Las Vegas and two women who we passed in Florence. It is nice to know that our partuclar early spring lunacy is shared by others. The nice thing is that there is no competition for motel beds.

So we are off to breakfast here and then will decide when to take off this morning. You see, it is raining in Crescent City!

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