Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Bodega Bay to Santa Cruz

OMG are we tired.

We left Bodega Bay Monday morning refreshed and renewed by two lovely days with Bill and Beezy Latham, our own David Latham's parents. They fed us, I made french bread and we recovered from the long ride there. But when we left we were follwed by birds. Remember the great Hitchcock film? Yup that's where we were. We rode out in a deep fog, riding together to keep each other from getting hit.

Dave, riding off into the fog at Bodega Bay.

When finally we left the hollows of mystery around BB, we broke into sunshine in Marin County, but also into much nastier road surfaces. Still in all we rode 59 miles and arrived late in the day at Corte Madera to a very kind reception by Dick and Audrey Anderson and Palmer and Joyce Wilkins. They took us to a great local Italian restaurant (Capra's) and we had an evening of talking about what a mess Jim and Lanita make of the Anderson's apartment when they are there each summer. (Just kidding, they LOVE Jim and Lanita)

Tuesday morning we took off for the Golden Gate Bridge and SF. And really the GGB was the only part we were really interested in. To get to is one must ride up numerous winding hills braving local drives who are none too pleased with cyclists.

Mike's Linear at the Golden Gate Bridge.

But there were lots of cyclists out and we had a number of nice conversations in passing.... them passing us. Riding the bridge was a hoot. I had never been on it or even close to is and it was cool to breeze over it to the other side.

In the middle of the span.

The we wound our way through SF along the Presidio and Golden Gate Parks until we came to Cabrillo Street which we took to the Great Highway which becomes the Cabrillo highway. That has carried us all the way to Santa Cruz, but not before a huge long climb in Daly City and a delightful stay at a Best Western in Pacifica.

This morning we zoomed off early and had to start with a steep hill called the Devil's slide. It was the worst shouldered road we have ridden on with the lousiest drivers. Still we climbed it unperterbed and reached the summit.

Dave riding up the Devil's slide.

That took us into Montara and a day of riding up and down hills. Nothing else is new there.

We played dodge with several rain storms as they socked into the coast. But the hills were easier to climb and we made good time because we are becoming stronger as we go. There is not much civilization between Pacifica and Santa Cruz. Lots of basic coast but nooooooooooo stores, people, or even convenience stores. Even teh whales felt ignored.

We are now ensconced in Santa Cruz with Dave fixing his rear wheel and me here at the puter. Tomorrow we are off to Monterey to rendez vous with Kate, Adam, Ella, and Jane for some fun. Ella wants to ride with Grandpa, so this should be fun.

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