Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Deserts

Today we rode 90 miles! This is the leg of the route in this part with the disclaimers saying, "No services for a long ways, pack food and water. Turns out that there was food and water at 30 and 60 miles. But in between, there was desert. There were flatland farms, then scrub desert, the sand dune desert, the chocolate mountains, then scrub desert, then more farming.

All of this took us 11 hours to ride across. Ad venture cycling suggests having a sleeping role should you not make it all the way. But we did!!!!!

So I am so tired I am going to sleep. Tomorrow into Arizona and the Rockies.


it's margaret said...

Keeping you both in my prayers. (I went riding and had a blow out too --my first! Did not succeed with the inner-tube and had to give up and be picked up.... sigh. Glad to know you fared better than I.)

Many blessings.

it's margaret said...

Keeping you both in my prayers. (I went riding and had a blow out too --my first! Did not succeed with the inner-tube and had to give up and be picked up.... sigh. Glad to know you fared better than I.)

Many blessings.

it's margaret said...

No postings since Sunday..... hope you guys are okay. You continue in my prayers.