Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Drenched in Creation

When I wrote the clergy up here I told them I was on a trip to drench myself in creation. So be careful what you pray for, because we have been drenched for 10 of our twelve days on the road. Yesterday we rode through heavy rain and two downfalls of hail! We think of it as a spa day, a free ice facial provided by nature.

This is the view back towards Cannon Beach. We had a short break in the rain as we left town so we grabbed a last photo of this part of the coast.
I also wanted this to be a low pressure experience. So God has provided a nice stable low pressure off the coast here that is continuing to dump rain on our route. We are sitting in Tillamook today with a forced rest day because I am waiting for a part to come into the bike store. Then we are off tomorrow for parts south. We will be staying on Route 101 although both tour books go along the coast. That road is reputed to be narrow and unsafe and we have already seen a lot of Oregon coast and will see more.

Hey All Soul's Kids, can you figure out what sort of fowl these are chasing each other? And what kind of snake are we rescuing from a nasty string noose. Was it poisonous?

I went to the 9:30 Eucharist at St. Albans and had a lovely time with the folks there. We are sleeping in their small meeting room. It is a small but lovely parish.

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